Find Out more about the Acres IN these official PUBLICATIONS
Holmes Run Acres Membership Directory
An indispensable guide to life in the Acres, published annually and supported by vendor advertisements. Lists contact information for neighbors, board members, community resources, and neighbor-to-neighbor services. The directory also cross references street addresses with names of residents. Invaluable!
Free to Civic Association members
An indispensable guide to life in the Acres, published annually and supported by vendor advertisements. Lists contact information for neighbors, board members, community resources, and neighbor-to-neighbor services. The directory also cross references street addresses with names of residents. Invaluable!
Free to Civic Association members
The following publications are available upon request until out of stock, contact the HRACA:
HRA: The Story of a Community
The unique history of Holmes Run Acres is captured in this three-volume set. Written by the neighbors who lived here with occasional reprints from magazines of the day.
A compilation of articles from The Holmes Runner about our natural world here in HRA.
Art in the Acres: HRA Cartoons and Illustrations, 1952-2001
A compilation of the many imaginative drawings done by Holmes Run Acres Residents.
Poetry: HRA, 1951-2001
With this collection of poetry from the Acres through the years we get in touch with history, with cultural mores, and with the evolution of a neighborhood that from the start reflected an unusual sense of community.
Yarding About with GraineThumb
George Graine is a long-time HRA resident and Master Gardener. There is nothing better than his expert advice on what to grow in the Acres and how to grow it. This volume is a compilation of 25 of the best "GraineThumb" articles published over the years in The Holmes Runner.
The Community Within and Beyond
Another compilation of Runner articles - this one by HRA original resident Sarah Lahr, who has kept us up to date on events and changes in our community and the world around us.
The unique history of Holmes Run Acres is captured in this three-volume set. Written by the neighbors who lived here with occasional reprints from magazines of the day.
- Volume 1
- Volume 2
- Volume 3
A compilation of articles from The Holmes Runner about our natural world here in HRA.
Art in the Acres: HRA Cartoons and Illustrations, 1952-2001
A compilation of the many imaginative drawings done by Holmes Run Acres Residents.
Poetry: HRA, 1951-2001
With this collection of poetry from the Acres through the years we get in touch with history, with cultural mores, and with the evolution of a neighborhood that from the start reflected an unusual sense of community.
Yarding About with GraineThumb
George Graine is a long-time HRA resident and Master Gardener. There is nothing better than his expert advice on what to grow in the Acres and how to grow it. This volume is a compilation of 25 of the best "GraineThumb" articles published over the years in The Holmes Runner.
The Community Within and Beyond
Another compilation of Runner articles - this one by HRA original resident Sarah Lahr, who has kept us up to date on events and changes in our community and the world around us.